Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Technologies

I responded to
and for Blog 5 assignment

New Technologies

Over the last two years, my school has been moving toward the 21st century classroom movement by installing Interwrite Boards, DVD/VCR combos in each classroom and new software, including Easiteach and several other types of software to utilize as resources in the classroom. I am also eager to incorporate new technologies in my classroom, but many teachers have low self-efficacy in experimenting with new technologies, which causes them to resist implementing new technologies in the classroom. Therefore, I am constantly faced with encouraging teachers in my school to experiment and explore new technologies in their classroom.

When the staff was first introduced to the Easiteach software during training several teachers where discouraged and resistant due to the small amount of training they received on how to implement the software in their classroom, which their students and their limited use of technologies in their classroom and daily lives. Many teachers complained about not having enough time to implement these technologies in their classroom and several others were nervous about how to utilize this new software with their age group of students.

I believe that using Keller’s ARCS model will encourage and change the motivation of the teachers and learners.

A- attention- To grab the attention of the teachers I would provide the teachers with activities or instruction that focuses on their specific grade level and standards. I would also provide the teachers with information that shows how technologies enable the teachers to reach a diverse group of students.
R- relevance- To support relevance I also try to share with teachers how new technologies if implemented effectively can enhance student learning and achievement in the classroom in all academic areas.
C- confidence- With the Easiteach software I have went into several classrooms to share ways to implement the software in their lessons and help teachers understand how to use the software in the classroom step by step for support, so they can increase their self-efficacy concerning utilizing new technologies.
S- satisfaction- The way I promote satisfaction when encouraging the use of new technologies is by encouraging teachers to utilize these new technologies daily, so that become comfortable using and experimenting with new technologies.

Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.