Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Module 4:Connectivism


The ability to connect to people, data and an array of informational sources all help facilitate learning through collaboration, sharing of ideas, dialogues and gaining insight from the experiences of others and your own. My network has changed the way that I learned because I no longer work independently I utilize all of my network connections as resources to share content, ideas and best teaching practices and strategies. In my workplace, the math and literacy coaches are great resources when focusing on content, strategies and research based materials.

Technology is a resource that allows us to connect with others, data and several resources. Several digital tools allow people to connect and gain access to information, ideas and different viewpoints. However, the digital tools that best facilitate learning for me are wikis and blogs. Throughout this program I have been able to experience and expand my knowledge and use of both wikis and blogs. Engaging and utilizing wikis and blogs have allowed me to create and gain knowledge through my networks.

When gaining new knowledge and I have questions I tend to first search for information using the internet, discussions with the teachers on my grade level and both the math and literacy coaches. Connectivism has shown me that learning happens in many ways, such as emails, blogs, discussions, Skype and Google. With the increase of information and a focus on digital tools and resources different skills and approaches are needed.


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